We are very fortunate to have a priest, Fr Antony, as our full-time chaplain in the college. Holy Mass is celebrated in our chapel each day at 8:05 am. This celebration is open to any who would like to attend and offers a calm reflective start to our day. Throughout the academic year, various groups and year teams are encouraged to attend this Mass and to participate as readers and servers. Parents are also invited and welcome to join us. Each week students and staff can request their various personal intentions to be offered at Mass. We also remember at the Altar all those who are sick in our college community and those who mourn loved ones as we pray for the repose of their souls.
All Holy days of obligation are observed with the whole college community. For these celebrations, we move next door into St Mary's, Church in Cadogan Street. Our students play an active part in the planning and delivery of these celebrations as servers, readers, singers, musicians and welcomers. The Holy Seasons of Advent and Lent see many different events running in the chapel from Eucharistic Adoration to guided meditation and silence. Having a priest on staff means the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available whenever a student or member of staff asks.